The house is quite, my little love has glitter glue and crumbled up paper spread about. The crumbles of paper are little birds you know! They are decorated with beautiful sketches {scribbles} of feathery wings. Daddy has her at dance. The one night in which she gets to be with sweet wee girls her age. It has been the longest, hardest but greatest few months of my life. I sit here searching…. searching and wondering what is next. The list of To Do’s are so long that I have stoped writing them because I find that those become discouraging on the hard days. What keeps me going is the glitter glue, the basket of unorganized embroidery thread and knowing that there is amazing stuff on the horizon.
If you know me… you know that I am always searching mostly searching the billion of ideas that I have in my brain… all of them fighting each other. Some are good and some not so good. On top of all the ideas like all of us worried about whats going to happen next, worried about our loved ones staying healthy, worried about well just about everything.
I have not been posting a lot on social media much. I am not sure why and I know it is so important for little business like myself. So I got to thinking… one of those billion ideas. I said to my self KORI USE YOUR BLOG!!!! OMG, the answer lies right under my nose for goodness sake. So my goal I hope is to meet you here on my blog! What do you think? I will still be on social media of course but its a little more quaint over here.
I want to thank you all who have reached out to me! My little family has had a busy and strange couple of months but we are all healthy. I have been working on so much sewing and creating behind the scenes. I can not show you for a while. I promise though when I can I will and I think you will understand why I have been so quite. Bubbie {my mom} says while everyone was in quarantine we were the only people not cleaning out their houses… it is the truth… we were sewing! It was like ground hogs day!
In the meantime I am finishing up pattern writing for the patterns that coincide with my fabric line Bubbies Buttons and Blooms for Windham Fabric. I just got back a huge stack of quilts from the quilter that I can show you so please stay tuned! I will post on Social Media and then do a blog post!
See sometimes things happen!
As far as my little quilt shop it is still on a public service break. Everything is OK I promise! Just need a bit more time before we open. As I have told many of you that I am so thankful that I have a business on my families farm but that also means respecting that. I want to make sure that I don’t carry any bugs over to my folks home. I know you totally understand. Family comes FIRST!!!!
Now if I could just tape my eyelids open at night and get more product online! I hope to get a fun few things up online with my new fabric line please please stay tuned! Thanks for all your patience and grace . I do this little business on my own and somedays plans and things change. I am sure that you totally understand that! I think we have learned how to be better at change in 2020…
I am a searcher. Searching to make a little part of my world happy by bringing you quilts, hand embroidery and other things that I come up with in this brain. So thanks for tagging along and i promise that i have great things to share in the coming days, months and years!
Jaye gave me this when I met my deadline!
Always Stitch from Your Heart,